the itjerk

my adventures with technology

Monthly Archives: May 2022


Time to setup dnscrypt-proxy on my new Ubuntu 22.04 LTS box. I found the best way to do this was to also install resolvconf and use that to ensure that /etc/resolv.conf always get the dnscrypt port of Previously I’ve used a bunch of different methods, but for this distro, I’m happy with my results.

sudo apt udpate
sudo apt install dnscrypt-proxy resolvconf
sudo nano /etc/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.toml

Here you can change the settings for dnscrypt, by altering the server_names line (e.g. [‘cisco’], [‘cloudflare’]). Also ensure that the listen_addresses is empty. Restart the service if you make changes.

sudo systemctl restart dnscrypt-proxy

Next, open your Network Manager and go to the IPv4 settings. Turn off Automatic DHCP and set the address to Restart the NetworkManager service.

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

Finally, edit the following resolvconf file to use the dnscrypt’s address in /etc/resolv.conf by adding the following line: nameserver

sudo nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head

Now restart your computer.

You can test a number of ways. If you used [‘cisco’] you can do the following. Note in the ANSWER section “dnscrypt enabled”.

dig txt
; <<>> DiG 9.18.1-1ubuntu1-Ubuntu <<>> txt
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 28688
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 7, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096

;; ANSWER SECTION:	59	IN	TXT	"server m45.chi"	59	IN	TXT	"flags 20040022 0 50 180000000000000000003950000000000000000"	59	IN	TXT	"originid 585506578"	59	IN	TXT	"actype 2"	59	IN	TXT	"bundle 13458843"	59	IN	TXT	"source"	59	IN	TXT	"dnscrypt enabled (7158645166363443)"

;; Query time: 4 msec
;; WHEN: Fri May 06 10:48:39 CDT 2022
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 313

Another way of checking is to visit which will tell you your DNS resolver.

The only thing I don’t get is this: Why does this use the old address? For another day.

dnscrypt-proxy -resolve -config /etc/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.toml 
Resolving [] using port 53

Unable to resolve: [read udp> read: connection refused]

parental controls

I have a teen that refuses to do homework. You know, gets a “zero”. Thus, I take the phone away. However, teen needs a computer for homework. Fine. But you know when she gets on to the computer, she’s going to go to all those sites where “screenagers” waste their time. That’s fine. I’m going to show you how to block individual sites using OpenDNS and your Router. [Note that I’m going to use terminology for my Netgear, but chances are if you’re bothered to read this, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Also, while my Netgear router has a “Blocked Sites” function, it doesn’t work. Useless!]

DNS can be set in many places: local computer, router, modem. I’m not quite sure what trumps what, but I believe that’s the line. Using your router for DNS is better than using your modems – my AT&T modem does not allow it to change! Setting on an device level, well, that’s a lot of work. Also, I have to believe that most “screenagers” don’t know what DNS even is. So, here we go.

The first step is to open your router’s settings and go to Internet Settings (also called WAN). Set the Primary and Secondary numbers to OpenDNS, and Now, all requests originating form your router will go through OpenDNS. I’m sure there is some chatter on whether using Cisco-owned product is all that good, but from what I’ve read, it’s one of the better choices out there for the home user. What you may give up in privacy, you’ll gain in secure web browsing.

The second step is to let OpenDNS know that request from your router are yours. Okay, that may sound all scary and Big Brother, but let’s not pretend that our web surfing is anonymous. It’s not. You buy your internet from someone, or are you really getting it for free from a leaky neighbor or a nearby Starbucks?

To sign up for an OpenDNS account, go to their website and sign up for a free Home account. All it requires is an email address. Once completed, open their Dashboard from a computer on your home network. Under settings, add your local network: it’s going to be the IP address of your modem. Give it name, and save it. OpenDNS will now associate requests from that IP as yours. Under Web Content Filtering, you’ll see two areas. The top is a predefined set for a variety of “undesirable” sites – if I had teenage boys, I’d sure as hell use this to block the “naughty bits”. The bottom section allows individual site blockage. Here’s what I wanted:

Give it about five-ten minutes (they say three) and those sites are as good as gone! While a web browser may give a different warning (usually a cert error), dig one deeper with nslookup, you’ll see what’s going on:

PS Desktop> nslookup
Server: UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:
Addresses: ::ffff:

And if you go to that IP:

Couple of points: First, you’ll probably need to run Cisco’s OpenDNS-Updater program as your ISP provides your modem with a dynamic host; exact same thing as if you were running a DynamicDNS service like DuckDNS. Second, a really smart kid could probably figure out how those sites are being blocked. My kid is smart, but if she was really that smart, she’d just do her homework in the first place.

One the web: