the itjerk

my adventures with technology

Monthly Archives: January 2015

amazon echo

Yes, I ordered one. I asked my kids what wakeup word we should use, and the youngest said “sudo”. See you in 4-6 months, whenever it arrives.

new year brings model b+, beep, chromebook

Happy holidays and all that. Xmas brought a few new electronics to the household, here’s a very brief recap:

Raspberry Pi B+ replaced the old model B. I have a feeling that the old one was a dud somehow because every time it had an unclean shutdown, I had to reformat the SD card. Anyway, in with the new out with the old.

I received my Beep unit just before the holidays, in fact, even before email notification of the shipment. But of what use is a music player – one that handles digital output btw – if there is not any software that can access the music that you actually own!?! In a box it will sit until I can use it with something other than Spotify or Pandora.

The Acer Chromebook is quite nice, though the keyboard takes a little getting used to. Supervised mode is a bust because although you can limit/restrict web access, it is not possible to allow a supervised user the use of apps or extensions.  Really Google?