the itjerk

my adventures with technology


The data axiom is “always have at least two copies of anything you want to keep!”

Now that I’ve ripped my entire (well, almost entire) CD collection, I have to back it up. A RAID 1 drive is good protection from drive failures, but it doesn’t protect at all for accidental erasure, file corruption, etc. I’m going old school and bought a new 3TB disc, the same size as my RAID, and plugged it into a hard disc enclosure, the same model I have for my another backup drive; I only need to have the same wall-wart and USB cable handy. I formatted the disk with ext4, the same as the source drive, which prevents file-naming errors during backup. However, if you format your disk for use with Windows, you’ll need to install exfat-utils and exfat-fuse in Ubuntu. (I also recommend doing the initial format on a Windows machine.)

I am using Grsync software to make the backup, which is a graphical front-end for the rsync utility. I marked the –update and –delete options, as I want to make an identical copy of the source on the destination: copy what’s not there, replace (based on checksum) what’s changed and delete what was removed from the source. You can perform a dry-run first; be sure to empty the trash and skip the lost+found folder before you sync (the latter may give errors). Viola, backing up FTW!

When deciding on a backup method, it’s important to always remember what you’re backing up and why you’re backing it up – and what risk you can afford.

In this case, these are music files, most of which I have a CD copy of but would never want to put in the months of work in to rip again. The rest are downloads, paid or otherwise, some I may never have access to again. Now, I could probably use something different method (cloud, internal disk), something automated, something better, but this method works for me because I can assume the risk.

I have an initial backup (which I have tested) and a proven backup method, so it’s up to me to keep up the work.

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